Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

E-business and E-commerce ( Management Information System)

1.      Define what do you mean by management information system. What role does mis play in an organization?
Answer :
Ø  Management Information Systems (MIS) is the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the objectives and aims on an organization. MIS are useful in the collation of business data and production of reports to be used as decision making tools.
Ø  MIS stands for management information systems. The role of MIS is to define the way that an organization collects, analyzes and communicates information. Access to information is a critical part of an effective organization and is an extremely important role.

2.      what is the purpose of decision support systems in mis? List few characteristics of DSS.
Answer :
Ø  Decision Support System refers to a class of systems which support in the process of decision making and does not always give a decision it self. Decision Support Systems (DSS) are a specific class of computerized information system that supports business and organizational decisionmaking activities. A properly designed DDS is an interactive softwarebased system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from raw data, documents personal knowledge, amd/or business models to indentify and solve problem and make decision.
Ø  DSS Characteristics :  
a.       Support for decision makers in semi structured and unstructured problems.
b.      Support managers at all levels.
c.       Support individuals and groups.
d.      Support for interdependent or sequential decisions.
e.       Support intelligence, design, choice, and implementation.
f.        Support variety of decision processes and styles

3.      Explain the various kinds of network topologies - it's advantage, disadvantages and application. answer
Kind of Topology
Description, Advantages, and Disadvantages
  • Devices are connected from one to another to form a ring shape.
  • Each host is connected to the next and the last node is connected to the first.
  • A data token1 is used to grant permission for each computer to communicate.
  • Easy to install and wire.
  • Because every computer is given equal access to the token, no one computer can monopolize the network.
  • Requires more cable than a bus topology.
  • If one computer fails it can affect the whole network.
  • It is difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down.
  • All hosts are connected to the backbone cable in a linear2 fashion.
  • Easy to connect a computer or peripheral.
  • Requires less cable length than a star topology.
  • If there is a break in the backbone cable, the entire network shuts down.
  • Both ends of the backbone cable require terminators.
  • It is difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down.
  • All hosts are connected to a single point of concentration.
  • Usually uses a hub3 or switch4 as a center node.
  • Range limits are about 100 meters from the hub
  • Data on a star network passes through the hub or concentrator before continuing to its destination.
  • It is easy to modify and add new computers to a star network without disturbing the rest of the network.
  • If one node or workstation (beside the middle node) goes down, the rest of the network will still be functional.
  • The center of a star network is a good place to figure out where the network faults are located.
  • You can use several cable types in the same network if the hub you have can handle multiple cable types.
  • Requires more cable than a bus topology.
  • If the middle node goes down , then the entire network goes down.
  • It is more expensive than because all cables must be connected to one central point.
  • Each host is connected to all the other hosts.
  • Increased reliability since there are multiple paths for each node to take.
  • Increased speed since shortcuts have been created by add more cables/links.
  • The cost of cabling all the hosts together is expensive and time consuming.

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